Jumat, 03 Juli 2015


رَاحَتِ الاَطيَارُ تَشدُو فِى لِيَالىِ المَولِدِ
وَبَرِيقُ النُّورِيَبدُو مِن مَعَانِى اَحمَدِ
فِى لَيَالِى المَولِدِ
Abdullah nama ayahnya
Aminah ibundanya
Abdul Muthallib kakeknya
Abu Thalib pamannya
Khadijah istri setia
Fathimah putri tercinta
Semua bernasab mulia
Dari Quraisy ternama..
Inilah Kisah Sang Rasul
yang penuh suka duka yang penuh Suka duka
Dua bulan di kandungan
Wafat ayahandanya
Tahun gajah dilahirkan
Yatim dengan kakeknya
Sesuai adat yang ada
Disusui Halimah
Enam tahun usianya
Wafat Ibu tercinta
yang penuh suka duka yang penuh Suka duka
Delapan tahun usia
Kakek meninggalkannya
Abu thalib pun menjaga
Paman paling membela
Saat kecil menggembala
Dagang saat remaja
Umur dua puluh lima
Memperistri Khadijah
yang penuh suka duka yang penuh Suka duka
Di umur ketiga puluh
Mempersatukan bangsa
Saat peletakan batu
Hajar aswad mulia
Genap empat puluh tahun
Mendapatkan risalah
Ia pun menjadi Rasul
Akhir para Anbiya
yang penuh suka duka yang penuh Suka duka


Ku rasakan hidup ini sangat indah

Penuh suka cita dan suka ria cerita

Ku rasakan hidup ini penuh warna

Penuh cinta dan rasa riang tawa ceria

Kalau kamu bersedih jangan lama-lama hingga kamu muram

Hidup ini indah...


Life is a bubble gum, it's sweet and it's fun

So come on come on have some fun

Together will have lots some joy and happiness

Life is a bubble gum, it's big and it's fun

So come on come on have some fun

Together we will make this world a better place

You and me...


Ku rasakan hidup ini sangat indah

Penuh suka cita dan suka ria cerita

Ku rasakan hidup ini penuh warna

Penuh cinta dan rasa riang tawa ceria


Kalau kamu bersedih jangan lama-lama hingga kamu muram

Hidup ini indah...



Life is a bubble gum, it's sweet and it's fun

So come on come on have some fun

Together will have lots some joy and happiness

Life is a bubble gum, it's big and it's fun

So come on come on have some fun

Together we will make this world a better place


Buang semua duka dan lara

Pikirkanlah hal yang indah-indah saja..

Senyumlah sudah, kita have fun bersama...


Life is a bubble gum, it's sweet and it's fun

So come on come on have some fun

Together will have lots some joy and happiness

Life is a bubble gum, it's big and it's fun

So come on come on have some fun

Together we will make this world a better place


Life is a bubble gum, it's sweet and it's fun

So come on come on have some fun

Together will have lots some joy and happiness

Life is a bubble gum, it's big and it's fun

So come on come on have some fun

Together we will make this world a better place


So come on have some fun 

[ayo kita have fun]

The world is big and fun for you and me...


Don't you know what everything you've done to me
Set me free
Don't you know what everything you've done to you
That is true
You're the one
And you will always be my rhythm on my mind

Because you so fresh
Because you so fresh
Because you so fresh
Don't you see everything's getting better now
Makes me wow
You've changed my world and now please let me in
To your soul
We're one
And you will always be my rhythm on my mine
Because you so fresh
Because you so fresh
Because you so fresh
I can feel passion in my body
In my mind, in my heart, and my soul
You set me free
And you will always be my rhythm on my mind
Because you so fresh
Because you so fresh
Because you so fresh